Ebook Birchall - Camomile Tea - 30g
Ebook Birchall - Camomile Tea - 30g
No va a tomar más tiempo para adquirir este Birchall - Camomile Tea - 30g No va a tomar más dinero para imprimir este libro Birchall - Camomile Tea - 30g Hoy en día, la gente ha sido realmente tan inteligente para hacer uso de la tecnología moderna. ¿Por qué no utilizar su aparato de cocina u otro dispositivo para guardar esta descargarse e instalar libro de datos blandos Birchall - Camomile Tea - 30g De esta manera le permitirá a consistentemente a estar fuera junto con la presente publicación Birchall - Camomile Tea - 30g Naturalmente, será el mejor amigo si usted lee esta publicación Birchall - Camomile Tea - 30g hasta completarse.

Birchall - Camomile Tea - 30g
Ebook Birchall - Camomile Tea - 30g
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Over 140 years after Birchall Graham began planting tea in Darjeeling, his family continue the unbroken tea tradition he started. The present generation of the Graham family continue to produce and trade tea across international markets and the youngest members represent the fifth generation. Birchall's speciality black teas are all sourced exclusively from estates across East Africa, from Rwanda through to the Rift Valley in Kenya, where the very best teas are to be found.The company is based in London and has extensive interests in East Africa, including trading offices and a 62,000 sq/ft tea factory in Mombasa, Kenya and the Pfunda Tea Estate in Rwanda. Birchall Camomile is a classic herbal tea made from the scented flowers and leaves of the wild camomile plant. Camomile has long been prized for its relaxing qualities and is believed to restore natural balance by aiding digestion and promoting sleep. A single cup of our smooth and soothing herb infusion helps you unwind, making it perfect in the evening just before bedtime. Our pursuit of quality ensures we only select the finest, whole camomile flowers and it is these that give Birchall Camomile its delicate floral character, clear gold colour and mellow, sweet taste. Tranquility in a cup.
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